Kaikili is a marketplace for service provider platform, based on one to one direct hiring business model. In this platform, provider will configure services, absolute price service area, work schedules etc.
Customers directly hire the provider after reviewing the provider profile, service cost, rating and response time etc. After successful completion of the work, Service provider will be charged in proportionate amount of the job cost. Commission charged only if the provider hired. No hire no commission, No signup and no subscription charges.

Provider Signup
Kaikili Pro registration is a Simple 4 step process
Step 1: Personal Information and Background check process
Step 2: Create a profile
Step 3: Add Service (ex: Air Duct Cleaning, TV Mount Installation etc.)
Step 4: Add Bank Details
Config New Service - Cost Helper
Kaikili offers pre-configured service templates. Each service contain cost components where Pro require to enter their own dollar values.
Kaikili designed service templates based on Industry standard estimation tools. Each service has its own Cost helper, which guides the market price for each service. Price configuration is 100% Pro’s discretion.
Anytime Pro can adjust service pricing. Individual or all services can be turn ON/OFF. Configured services will be listed in service catalogue screen.
One to One Schedule Direct Hire Request
Kaikili Pro can be hired through one to one schedule hire request notification.
One to One Schedule Direct Hire Notification, Its a 100% hiring request. Pro requires to respond with Accept, Reschedule or Decline. Hiring price based on Pro configured service cost components and pricing. Once the pro accept the service. Kaikili platform sends schedule notification to customer in real time.
Provider need to keep a tab on schedule date/time or look for daily work schedule side menu. Kaikili also sends notification on schedule services.
Once service appointment reached schedule date/time, Provider will have to go to K-Home -> Schedule service screen. Provider need to tap on "On the Job" and "Root Map". Kaikili app automatically direct to customer location. Once the service is completed. Customer will share OTP to complete the financial transaction. Provider have option to provide feedback to customer.
Neighborhood "Shout" - Free Leads
Kaikili’s Neighborhood shout is 100% free leads to provider, Kaikili Pro App identifies the potential customers who are looking for better price with the Pro’s available schedules. Customer hires when Pro shouts from Provider business location or on the way to other jobs.
Neighborhood shout area changes along with the provider live geo location.
Provider can able to shout multiple selective customers at the same time. Once the customer accept the shout provider will need to attend the service request immediately, so provider conservatively (one by one) shout as required. This feature applies to both customer based services (ex: Duct cleaning, Carpet Cleaning etc) and provider based services (ex: Carwash, Pet Care etc).
Direct Hire: Customer is looking to hire provider immediately.
Interested: Customer in search for service provider.
Request Quote - Service Estimation Only
Kaikili have subset of services, which can only offer to get the quotation from service professional not actual work performed. Customer choose specific service and sent Quote request to the service professional. Request quote can be remote or in person estimation. Depends on how the customer wants to have estimation. Along with request quote customer also attaches actual photos. So provider will have more details to provider the actual estimation. Estimation can be sent through email/phone or inperson.
Kaikili Preferred Provider
Kaikili preferred provider who offer service at market price. Provider will have option to offer service at market price by checking the checkbox at each service configuration level (Shown) as well as provider own price through schedule direct hire. The market price is calculated by Kaikili’s computational/machine learning algorithm. If multiple providers opted as Kaikili’s preferred provider, the hiring based on who accept the service request first. Being a preferred provider is a choice of provider. It's 100% optional without extra fee or charges.
Kaikili Credits
Kaikili offer various credits which can be utilized against the commission payment.
First time registration credits, referral credits
Kakili Marketing Credits, Its innovative way of earning Kaikili credits by sticking Kaikili sticker infront or back of the car windshield. Marketing credits earning starts after scanning QR code.
Kaikili Bonus Credits, Spreading at least 30 second Kaikili positive feedback through any YouTube channel, The number views ($) will match to Kaikili Bonus Credits (ex: 100K views equal to $500)
Kaikili migration Credits, provider will be matched Kaikili migration credits ($) equivalent of past 2 months of expenses on any advertising or lead generation platform.